WMT and Aliens and Humans Oh My!-Memories of the Soul workshop with John Armitage/Hari Das Baba, 2015

Baba Unlimited

With my personal experiences through different lifetimes, but also from my travels throughout the universe and so on, what I find is there’s really only a small amount of beings, whether they’re reptilian, humanoid, insectoid or hybrids, that actually choose to disassociate themselves from the light. 

Furthermore, I would also like to say that if you step outside of victim consciousness and change the way you look at things—like some say, “Oh, they’re attacking us!” But actually if you’re being attacked that’s victim consciousness. I’ve come to the realization that all these beings that have interfered with us—not only on this planet, there’s lots of interference throughout the universe, or there has been. Actually they’re still in the service of Source. What their place in the whole thing is to push us and push us and push us until we don’t want to be a victim any more. You wake up one morning and say, “God, there’s got to be something different. I’m going to stand in my own power.” 

People talk about the world management team, the controllers and all this kind of thing. Another common question is, “Hey, Baba, what shall we do about the world management team? They’re manipulated by beings who have disassociated themselves for the moment from the light.” I always say, “Just love them and forgive them. They’ll be all right.” Ultimately when we all stand in our own power, we create something different. When we individually create something different and collectively create something different, they’ve got nothing to control any more. If they can’t control us, if we can’t be controlled, there’s no controllers. So what do they do? They go back to where we are now, “There must be something different.” and they begin the journey back into light. 

So this is what I’ve come to realize, what my mentors tell me, who have more knowledge and understanding of what freedom really is than I have myself as a human. There tends to be a blanket judgment of reptilians and insectoids and such, that everything’s their fault. 

I’ll just give you another illustration. I haven’t been in contact with this being for a long, long time now. But I was in contact telepathically with a being—they’re commonly known as the Greys. They come from Essesani in the Orion constellation. They were around on the planet a lot. They’re not around on the planet now, because they’re not allowed any more. Their job’s finished. Anyway, one of them was in captivity in Russia, and she was communitating with me telepathically. She had said to me, first of all, “Are you not afraid of me?” I told her, “Why should I be afraid of you? Where are you?” She said, “I’m in this research facility in Russia, as a prisoner. I’ve been looking for somebody to talk to. I’ve found that you’re open, and I can get to you.” And I said, “Why should I be afraid of you anyway?” She said, “Well a lot of humans are afraid of us.” I said, “Well I’ve got no problem. You want to talk, we can talk any time, really.”

She said, “Humans are full of judgment about our activities on planet Earth. But one of the things I’d like to say to humans is examine what you’re doing to each other.”

This is a very pertinent point on this planet. Some of us who have some kind of knowledge of other types of beings, and beings from other planetary systems, star systems and so on, we could be very quick to judge how bad they are for interfering and doing stuff on this planet. I know a lot of things I won’t share in public really. I don’t want to send you down to the doctor for a valium prescription. I want to empower you, to stand in your own power. But ultimately, again, it’s a very pertinent question, isn’t it. What are humans doing to each other.

Q: what happened to them?

A: They were allowed here for a while. It’s a very interesting history. They actually thought they were an advanced race, and they got into cloning. They lost their ability to naturally reproduce. They saw that this wasn’t a good idea, but they’d lost some of their DNA codings, like from the Stellar Tribes all over the universe. So they needed to retrieve some DNA codes. So they were given access to planet Eartth and they were given permission to interact with human beings in various ways. Of course, some of it was in violation of free will, like through abduction. But others actually agreed to it anyway on another level. Also as well there were deals made—you know what goes on in politics. So there were deals made as well. Remember, the government’s not looking after you, you know? Actually the governments see you as a commodity. You were sold down the drain, really. The governments gave permission for these kinds of things to happen. Ultimately, through this, it was very interesting that actually the Essesani race mutated again, further mutated, and the mutated ones aren’t grey at all. They’re blue, and they’re slightly bigger than the others, and they’re totally focused in the divinity of Love. Interesting how things work, you know? 

But a number of years ago they were given notice of their evacuation of the planet, and they’re not allowed here any more. We have planetary police, which at the moment it’s in the hands of the Andromedans. If they do try to come in, the Andromedans tell them, “Hey, you lot aren’t allowed in here.” “We’re coming in anyway.” “No, you’re not.” Boom…

Slavery and Free Will

John Armitage/Hari Das Baba

Beyond Your Cosmic Parachute workshop-2016

I don’t feel extremely qualified to discuss this. I often say free will is for beginners. But there are certain energies at work that interfere with our free will. Of course, this brings about for them comic circumstances, but they really don’t understand that. They’ve got it coming, some way or another. 

So actually they are in some ways interfering with our free will. I don’t want to go too far along this road. I want to keep the vibration of love, not that we’re all victims.  But at the moment 99+% of the people on this planet are in slavery. Some people say, “How can I be in slavery? I’ve got money, cars, I can do this and this.” But it’s still slavery. The slavery is to money. The slavery is to possessions, and slavery to the insane ego and so on. We have to understand that the conditions of slavery form many are better than 300 years ago—at least we’ve got a holiday, and we have KFC and McDonalds and Taco Bell and all the other things. But ultimately it’s still slavery

For the average person, the slavery is work, work, work, and you don’t even get much holiday here in America, compared to European countries. We have a choice whether to subscribe to it, and how deeply to subscribe to it. This is a big problem. You don’t hear me use that word often: problem. Only solutions can be found. But for many it’s a big problem, and we haven’t found the solution. How can we interact with other people and get around the planet and so on if we don’t subscribe to the system? So in some ways, I know for me personally, this causes me a bit of internal struggle. I’d love to be able to go everywhere I’m asked to on the planet and not take any money off anyone, not need any money, not have any money involved in any of it. If we could just learn to do everything from the heart, on the planetary level, then the controllers are finished.

I’m a bit of a news hound. I like to know what’s going on. Sometimes I’m asked to explain to the Upstairs Department what’s going on. They don’t understand [about all the gruesome stuff in the news]. What a way to start your day! They keep pushing us with it, pushing us with it, pushing us with it to keep us afraid.

We have to cease our struggle as individuals and the world struggles will cease. People are always asking what we should do with the controllers? Divine Love and forgiveness. It’s not complete without the forgiveness. Ultimately these beings that want to keep us in slavery are also in slavery themselves. But they don’t understand that. So compassion is also necessary.

So how to operate in the system of slavery, how to stay away from it as much as you can, and still get on with what you have to do in life. The only solution I’ve found iust not to be attached, and just understand that —just let the universe take care of things and not be attached. I know it’s not easy. I’m still practicing this myself.

You know they say practice makes perfect. You know you get a driving permit, but then you have to learn how to do it before you can do it. And then you need experience to be a good driver. It’s the same with this. We get the seed planted, and then we just keep watering it. It’s an ongoing thing.  I don’t know where it ends. We’re told on one level that creation & Source are infinite, so there’s no beginning and no end. But we’re also told about the beginning of a round of creation and the end of a round of creation, so the adventure continues, until we free ourselves from the illusion of separation. 

Let’s focus on ourselves and our own planet, and the universe changes anyway. All I know is in the end we’ll go back, we’ll go home. The Upstairs Department have been telling me this for ages but for awhile I didn’t believe them. Now in my heart I know it’s true. What can we do, except keep loving.

The controllers are like puppets. They don’t have lives either. They’re also in a very dark place. They might on one level because they’re seemingly to their egos all powerful, but really they’re in a very dark place. We need to remember that. This is why we need compassion and forgiveness. If you don’t have compassion and forgiveness, you might as well go home now, really.

So my two jokes about this are: Free will is for beginners, and It’s now or later. You be in the love now or you’ll come to it later. The free choice is now or later. I’m the first to admit it’s not always easy. I’m not here talking from some level of holiness, I’m here talking from my heart and my own experience. I know how difficult it can be. Again, I’ve said my place is to encourage people, plant the seed in the heart and water it. I see that I can encourage people by sharing my own experiences.  As I said, I’m still learning and practicing. 

Most of you have no clue what I’ve lived in this life. So this is another thing I often say, if John Armitage can do it, anyone can. I don’t say I BELIEVE that, because having a belief is like looking for something outside of yourself. If people ask me “do you believe in God?” I say no, I do not believe in God. I KNOW that the Source exists, because the Source is part of my life. There’s a difference between believing and living it.

So I don’t ask you to believe anything. Just take action or don’t take action. I’m just here to encourage you. Ultimately it doesn’t seem all that easy and it seems a bit of a struggle. But when I look back at the struggles I’ve had in my life, I realize that mostly there was no need to struggle with any of it. All I had to do was just do and there was no struggle whatsoever. But you create the struggle.

There is no struggle outside of ourselves. You may say that wars are created outside of us, but really it comes from us, we’re struggling within ourselves and this is an outside manifestation of it. “Please ask people to stop struggling, and the wars will stop. Please ask people to share, and there will be no hunger.”  On a humanitarian level it’s hard to see. That’s it. Let’s learn to share.

When I’m asked to go on radio shows, they always ask me at the end, “Do you have a message for the people of our country.” I say, “No, but I do have a message for the people of the earth. There’s only one world. Take care of it. There’s only one race, the human race. There’s only one God, one Source. Quit arguing about the name. There’s an abundance of everything. Let’s share. Let’s see what we’ve got then.”  I think it’s worthwhile to tell people to give it a try. Rather, just do it.

So from my heart, I just encourage you to do your best. I did know Bob Marley in his life, and I’m very fond of some of his music. He was a master incarnate on the planet to bring some messages of sense and love through his music. He’s just saying to me now, “It just comes down to the same old thing now. Remember the preacher man will say heaven’s in the sky. But if you know what life’s worth, you’ll know that heaven’s here on earth. Remind them of this.”

Spiritual Practices

John Armitage/Hari Das Baba

Beyond Your Cosmic Parachute workshop-2016

Q: Any recommended spiritual practices?

Baba: Now I’m not involved in any spiritual practices, except the divinity of Love. I did a lot of meditations in India, and even when I got back, I got involved in different kinds of meditations. My own experience is, at one time I thought meditation was enlightenment, but I found it was just a habit and not really very enlightening at all. You become addicted to various spiritual practices, and they’re either designed to enslave you and keep you from achieving self-realization or enlightenment, or they’re designed to trigger you onto the path.  So I’m not involved in spiritual practices anymore, except swearing and loving.

Swearing is a great spiritual practice. How Bagava used to say, first thing when you wake up, say fuck 30 times—it gets your throat working.  I’m prolific in the use of swear words in my life.

The strongest focused useful and everything you can say, is Love. And people should get on with it. People talk about it but for a lot of people they’re not doing anything about it. People try to live with one foot in each camp; one foot in the love camp and one in the fear camp. They keep hopping from one foot to the other. As soon as change is on the horizon, they jump into the fear camp.

When you come to my workshop you’re paying me to help change your life. I used to second guess myself after workshops, “I should have done better.” I wasn’t listening to people telling me how things happen to them. But some don’t like what happens so they get into emotional states & create more separation. You have to let go of many things: your consistent judgment in every moment of the day. You have to make a start at changing. You can’t do it in an instant.

The most effective spiritual practice in this universe is practicing love without condition, actually living it and practicing it every moment you can. Even when you get knocked from the path. Practice, practice, practice.We need enough people to really Live it, and not keep hopping from one to the other. Then, job done. Love, love, love, love, love.

Very interesting situation, isn’t it. I’m sharing my heart with you now, so if I can do it just by opening my mouth and it happens, why is is so difficult for you? We’re all human beings. Are you still making excuses? This is the challenge we’re throwing at you, at as many people as possible. We encourage you to understand it. If I can do it, so can you. 

I ain’t looking for followers or shit like that. I get paranoid if people are following me in the dark.

We don’t even have any desire in it, no underlying motive.  It’s love.  for everything that’s going on. Sometimes I admit I fall out of it. Like at the airport the other day. But in the end I decided I should be kind to the people. But sometimes you kind of fall out of it.

So this is what I tell you, and I can tell you that it will make a great change in your life. Love makes the passage of life, piece by piece, makes it easier. When you understand there’s nothing to be afraid of—we’re eternal souls, what is there to be afraid of? Dying? How many times have you already done it?

What is there to be afraid of? There’s nothing to be afraid of. Remember FEAR—False Energy Appearing Real.  So what are you going to do, link with False Energy Appearing Real? Or are you going to allow the expanded divinity of Love to flow through your hearts, which is 100% real. You’ve got two choices, there’s no other alternative. You either stay in fear or allow the love. That’s the simplicity of it. So for me, allowing the Love is the most profound spiritual experience available. 

As the Dalai Lama has said, self-enlightenment is not a state of mind, it’s not in your head. It’s something you live.

Changing Pathways in the Brain

John Armitage/Hari Das Baba

Beyond Your Cosmic Parachute workshop-2016

About changing how we think. Burning new pathways in the brain. 

When the old things come up we just have to think different thoughts and this burns new pathways. The I Am affirmation: anything said after I Am is very powerful. I don’t see a magical answer except the simplicity of learn to think differently. When you learn to think differently, you’ll see the old habits go.

Those who know me know that I can be extremely emotional. It’s been a journey over the years to learn to not react from emotion. Engage brain before reacting. As I learn about these neural pathways, I’ve started to say “Cancel, cancel, cancel that. I’m going to make a new approach to this situation.” So this is what I’ve done. It seems to be constructive. But it’s been a process of not days, not weeks, not months. It’s taken years. We humans want things right away. We need to understand why we’re acting one way, see it’s not constructive, in order to change.

Learn to think in different ways, and the old pathways will close down. All these things take time. Don’t be in a hurry. Just keep at it.

The Present is a Present

John Armitage/Hari Das Baba

Beyond Your Cosmic Parachute workshop-2016

For all of us our inherent nature is perfection, the perfection of Source. We deny ourselves the experience of this perfection. All experiences are transient anyway. The past is gone; you can’t retrieve it. The future, we haven’t dreamed it yet. The only place that we can live in true harmony and balance in the perfection of forgiveness and everything else around that is in the present, in the moment. And that’s why we call it the present, because it’s a gift. But most people are not accepting the gift, are not opening the gift. Source is saying to you, “Here is the present!” Every moment that you’re asleep or awake, Source is saying, “Here’s a gift, here’s a gift! It’s called the present.”

There’s all sorts of magic from living in the moment. But then we become preoccupied with the future: how will I deal with this? How will I deal with that? I wonder if I’ll get some money? I wonder if my house will fall down? I wonder if my dick will fall off. I wonder if my tits will hit my knees.” Can you recognize this? And all these things are totally irrelevant. You aren’t this body anyway. 

I hear people say, “Oh in the future I hope to be able to work with energy, I hope to be able to channel.” Do it now. I love you enough to kick your ass a little bit. My place is not to come here and say things that make you feel good. My place is to come here, give you some encouragement, and kick your asses a bit. You might not like it at the time, you might not like what I say to you. 

You know how to make millions of dollars real quick? It’s easy. Just tell people, “Come along and we’ll just go Poof and you’ll get the implant, and we’ll save you.” You’ll make millions. When you’re like me, when you say to people, “Fucking save yourself!” they say, “Hang on a minute. I have to do something?” The ego says, “I’m not so interested now!” That’s the way it works.

My place is to bring through energy and information from beings who’ve lived, all kinds of different lifetimes. Kuthumi—everybody loves Kuthumi, right? If I say to you Kuthumi was Francis of Assisi. OK, now I’m going to channel another aspect of Kuthumi. My name is Genghis Khan”  Are we going to judge Kuthumi for what he did when he was Genghis Khan? Are we going to judge Germain for thing he did when he was Colombus? If you’re going to judge Genghis Khan then judge me as well. I was his #1 general.

See how judgmental we can be? So get out of it. Get out of judging yourself. You’ll find it’s easier not to judge others. Live in the moment. You’ll find there’s lots of magic in the moment. 

Fun and laughter and all this. Don’t worry about the future. There’s nothing you can do about it. All you can do about the future is to understand that, in the end, everything’s going to come back into harmony and balance, and in the manifest perfection of Source. Not the inherent essence, but the manifest perfection of Source. 

Our lives as human beings are transient. Why not enjoy it? You were given all the gifts, and you were given this marvelous planet to live on. Look at it! I mean, look out the window. Well, there’s a brick building there, but look at the trees and the flowers and everything else. Look at the great gift that we were given, this planet to live upon.

And stop judging Mother Earth. She’s doing all right. People say, “Oh, we have to heal the earth!” Mother Earth says, “Judgmental fuckers! Heal yourselves.I don’t need your healing.”

It’s like when we say to other human beings, “You need healing.” It’s very judgmental. You don’t know why their I Am Presence is making them this way. You don’t know what plan they made for this lifetime. You don’t know what the lesson is in it. It’s the same with Mother Earth. Don’t judge. Sometimes Mother Earth says, “I’m happy to receive.” But other times she says, “Do you think I’m diseased? You’re not qualified to make this kind of decision on my behalf. I’m a living, breathing bio-physical being, but I’m not human. You’ve got a limited perspective.”

So let’s learn to live in the moment. Then we can be in the true harmony and balance all the time. And not let the ego bother us. Unfortunately the ego is a very tricky being. You have to keep your eyes and ears open. Once we as human beings live in total love and non-judgment, the ego knows it has no power over us anymore. Sometimes I see the tricks, and sometimes I don’t. Then I say, “How did I fall for that one? Again?”

So this is it. It’s all so early, if we don’t make it difficult. We make it difficult for ourselves. The ego wants us to live in a certain way. The ego wants us to be certain of things. Nothing’s certain. The ego wants us to think we’re on the top of the pile and should be in charge of things. The so-called future is very uncertain in how it will manifest. So don’t worry. Be happy. There’s nothing else we can do. Live in the magic of the moment.

People are always saying, “I want to love, I want to love, I want to love.” But when’s the last time you looked into someone’s eyes and said, “I really love you. I don’t want anything from you. I really love you.” When I do that sometimes people get a bit freaky.

So cultivate love. Smile at people on the street. Live in the moment. The magic happens.That’s real magic isn’t it, in a split second. You’ve made somebody’s day. A lot of children when you smile at them say to themselves, “Hey, somebody actually smiled!” Make magic in the moment. Change the world with small things.

Moving Beyond Trying

John Armitage/Hari Das Baba

Beyond Your Cosmic Parachute-2016

Sometimes I’m accused of disempowering people by saying this.  “Now you’re implying that people can’t be loved unless they love themselves. This is being judgmental.” I’m not saying that you can’t be loved if you don’t love yourself. But you can’t love others unless you love and forgive yourself. You don’t know how to give it, if you can’t do it for yourself, it’s an illusion. BUT—this is one of the great words in any language. It’s the great excuse. “I”m trying to love myself.” When you know me you don’t say that to me. Actually you’re not doing anything, you’re just making excuses. “Well I’m trying.” OK, tell me what you’re really doing. It’s bullshit. It’s pure avoidance.

I learned this trying thing the hard way. By trying. And then I tried not to try, and I kept trying. It didn’t do anything. It was one of my workshop participants who pointed this out to me. I had said something like, “We all have to try.” She picked up big crystal off the floor and said, “Hari, take this crystal out of my hand.”  I didn’t do anything. Then she said, “Try to take it out of my hand!” I still didn’t do anything. “You’re not doing anything, are you.” “No, but you’re telling me to try. I don’t know what permission I’ve got now, whether I can take a bigger crystal and beat your hand until you drop it, put your hand on the floor and jump on it, or what. You told me to try and take it 

out of your hand. I don’t know what to do.”  “Yeah, I told you to try and you don’t know what to do. If I’d told you to take the crystal out of my hand, this implies that you have permission to do whatever you have to do to take it out of my hand. But when I say try, you don’t know what to do.” “You’re exactly right! I’m going to try to eliminate try out of my life!”

It’s true, one of the universal truths. Either do or don’t. Don’t try. It’s all about doing the best we can. Action is needed. Without action we don’t move. 

OK, you make a mistake. Well, there’s no such thing as mistakes, but we’ll use that as an example. You make a mistake. Don’t judge yourself over it. Cancel, cancel, cancel it from the Akashic records and move on.  But because of the nature of the ego, the ego sees a great opportunity here to control you. It’ll say, “We have to watch it!” Then you get neurotic about everything you do or say, and that’s not constructive either. That’s not loving yourself without conditions, is it? You go back into judging yourself. So forgiveness, forgiveness, forgiveness, and love, love, love.

Humans are averse to change. As Eckart Tolle says in his book [The New Earth], the ego has convinced us that the ego is us and we are it. It’s not true. Don’t allow the ego to rule your life through fear. Your heart isn’t afraid of anything. It’s saying allow, allow, allow me. And the ego says, “What’s going to happen if I do?”

The experiences I’ve had in my life have brought me to where I am today, in the mode of allowance. I don’t have any relationship to these old experiences any more. It’s something that happened to me, but my ego doesn’t make an excuse that these things happened to me, for the way that I might be now. A lot of people never let go. They hold on to these experiences and make an excuse: I am how i am now because of…  I don’t use my experiences as an excuse, but I do say I am how I am now because of my experiences. But I don’t make an excuse for me being like I am.

Moving Beyond Feeling Separate

John Armitage/Hari Das Baba

Beyond Your Cosmic Parachute workshop-2016

We might through our knowledge change the ore that comes out of the earth and change it to make cars and washing machines, but it’s still Mother-Father God. We have to stop looking outside, outside this theory that we’re separate. Give up the fight. Give up the struggle. Allow the love to flow through you.

People don’t allow the love to flow because of these feelings of separation. “I’m not worthy,” and so on. The whole thing on one level is very easy. but the way we’ve mutated as humans—we in this room are mutations of the original plan. Through this mutation we’ve taken ourselves further into the illusion of separation.

We’ve mutated because the planet’s been irradiated, and irradiated on numerous occasions. Everybody knows now, except maybe very small children, that radiation brings about mutation. Ego isn’t part of the original build of this present human race, the 5th root race. Ego is something we allowed to develop because of the way our brains mutated. We’ve got our left and right brain that think in separate ways. That’s not part of the original design. Yahweh’s saying to me now, ”Do you think I’m stupid?” Yahweh is the creator of the original design. It wasn’t part of it.

So it’s really important to stop talking about it and start to live it. We have to subdue our ego. The only way I know to do this is to love ourselves, without conditions, and we have to forgive ourselves. Many of us are holding things against ourselves, on subconscious levels. We’ve all done things as humans that we’re not particularly proud of. On a subconscious level we’re holding these things. So forgiveness is the thing. “I own everything I did, everything I thought, and I forgive myself.”

Moving Beyond Victim Consciousness

John Armitage/Hari Das Baba

Beyond Your Cosmic Parachute workshop-2016

Another thing I’ve noticed over the years—maybe 25 years or so ago—I used to pride myself in being a light worker. I used to have quite a lot of interesting experiences where I had to fight. What I saw is that I was being manipulated into thinking I was doing a good job and all this kind of thing. It all comes down to this divine love and non-judgment, and we have to live it, not talk about it.

People say, “What about the ascension of the planet? When is it? We only need 144,000 people, right? If that’s the case, why hasn’t the planet ascended?” Actually, the truth of it is, we don’t have 144,000 people who are dedicated. There are people who say, “Oh yes we want to make a change. We’re into divine love. Oh yes, yes, yes.” And just like that they go back into the struggle—the struggle with themselves, the illusion of separation. 

I mean, what do you think the darkness is? It’s part of us. It wasn’t created by some rogue creator who said, “Those fuckers have got too much light. Let’s stir them up!”  It’s part of Source; we’re part of Source. If we balance this in ourselves, this will manifest around us. It’s all about love, love, love. I don’t see as there’s anything else. I’ve thought different things ofer the years, but my final conclusion to this is, love, love, love. Don’t struggle. Forgive, forgive, forgive. 

I’ve said this thousands of times, when people have said, “Oh, what shall we do about the World Management Team, the dark brothers?!” and they’re surprised by my answer. I say, “Just love them and forgive them. They’ll be all right.” And if we don’t, well there’s no point—you can’t love without forgiveness anyway. Not in this divinity of love. So the forgiveness is also very important.

But at one time when people asked me this question, I didn’t mention forgiveness. I didn’t think of it. I really didn’t think of it. But it came to me a number of years back. What’s the point, if we don’t forgive we’re still holding. There’s something in our consciousness, and the collective consciousness, that’s still holding us in separation. We have to embrace them as part of ourselves and part of creation. 

Again, a lot of people are surprised by my next statement, but they’re actually in service to us. Remember, they’re part of the creation of Source. We volunteered to experience separation, through our divine selves. They’re in service, because the more they try to oppress us and make us into victims, the deal is that this will make you wake up some morning and say, “There must be something different!” That’s what the deal is.

If you approach them from victim consciousness, then the whole scenario becomes something different. We have to fight them because they’re oppressing us and so on. If we wake up in the morning and say, “There must be something else”, well that’s their part in all this—to push us to that point. If they’re part of Mother-Father Source, what happens to them when we’re out of separation? They’ll wake one morning and say, “Well job well done. Let’s do something different.” And their journey back into Oneness and wholeness begins.

So we have to stop thinking in victim consciousness. There’s no battles. We don’t have to fight. Just get out of victim consciousness. Let’s learn to stand in our own power. The whole miracle of creation is actually within us. 

Stop searching! Look inside yourselves! Job done. Again, like with the victim consciousness, people are always looking outside themselves. My favorite quote in this is from the Buddha. “How did you reach enlightenment, Buddha? How did you find self realization?” “Well, I stopped looking.” We don’t need to search for enlightenment. You know where to look: look within. Everything is Mother-Father God. Nothing can exist without Source. That’s why it’s called Source—the source of all things, the source of all energy. 

Retrieving the Lost Light Codes

John Armitage/Hari Das Baba

Beyond Your Cosmic Parachute workshop-2016

Q: The lost knowledge of the mystery schools, is it around? Is it available? 

Baba: Well, the lost knowledge of the mystery schools is basically the divine light codes and how we can utilize them. This knowledge is around, and has been given to us, but in essence it’s the same. When we talk about the lost knowledge of the mystery schools, the pieces of the light codes had been lost before that, so the knowledge of the mastery schools is incomplete; if it weren’t, we wouldn’t be here now. Just think about that. We’d have moved on through the other vibrational levels.

From my perspective in this now, as I’ve said, we’re finding the missing pieces, and this will accelerate what’s happening on planet earth. I mean, I consider that we’re in a great place on planet earth right now. The fear machine is working in overdrive right now, because they’re freaked out that the light is getting brighter & they’re losing power all the time.

Some people say, what about the wars and all that kind of thing? The things that are going on, like in Syria, if it was 100 years ago you’d see 4 column lines in the back of the Times. Now because of the communication systems we have, it’s constantly beamed in, beamed in, beamed in. Keep the fear going. How do you avoid terrorism? Switch off the TV.

There’s billions of people on planet earth. You may think about it like this: even if there were 2 ½ million terrorists—and there aren’t—the chances of you bumping into one are extremely slim. But, fear, fear, fear, fear, fear. Terrorists, terrorists, terrorists. So as I say, they’re freaked. And they’re also orchestrating a lot of things to keep you in fear. If they were’t doing this a lot of the seemingly crazy things happening on the planet wouldn’t be happening.  They’re on purpose, to keep the fear going. There’s cracks appearing all over the matrix, and people are beginning to look through and see there’s something else out there.  I think that it’s a fabulous time.

Don’t let the bastards grind you down, because that’s what they’re trying to do. Stepping up the fear, stepping up the fear. It’s no question of winning. At one time when I was a bit more stupid I thought there was a battle going on. Actually, there’s not a battle. The more we fight the more we throw fuel into the fire. We shouldn’t be fighting anything. OK, fight your emotional body and your insane ego if you like. But don’t fight anything. 

Where love is, and forgiveness and non-judgment, there isn’t any fight, is there? I never call myself a light worker. I know that this light worker thing is another scam to separate us. When you say you’re a light worker, you imply that you’re fighting the dark. Actually we don’t need to fight the dark, because this brings more disturbance. What we need to do is love, and this brings equilibrium. So I think that a lot of people have fallen into this trap: we have to fight the dark. Well sometimes we might have a bit of a struggle with some of the dark brothers and sisters, OK sometimes we might need to give them a bit of a lesson, but we have to do it with love. There’s no real fight in it.

Change the Way You Think-Part 3: On Being Spiritual

John Armitage/Hari Das Baba

Beyond Your Cosmic Parachute workshop-2016

OK, being a vegetarian. In Eastern Europe there were a lot of new people in my workshops. In one workshop some women were asking my minder/manager “What does Hari eat?” She said, he doesn’t eat much of a varied diet. Mostly chicken and mashed potatoes.” “What, he eats meat?!” They thought that I would be naturally a vegetarian. “What does he do in his spare time?” “Oh, he plays around on his computer, and sometimes I can get him to watch football games with me.” “What about meditations?” “He’s not going to do a meditation with me in the evening, he’s done enough of that in the day!”  And all this. They were thinking we’d be sitting around meditating even when we weren’t workshopping, sitting around being all cool and cosmic and eating lettuce.

It’s amazing the way people think. So you have to change the way you think, and then everything changes. Everybody’s clairaudient, everybody’s clairvoyant, it’s just that your brain isn’t registering it. So you have to change the way that you think.

It’s the same with all this spiritual stuff. Me, I used to be a very spiritual person, but I kicked the habit. When I was a brahmin in India, I was a very spiritual person. Looking back on it, I wasn’t living, I was existing, and I was existing somewhere between the 3rd dimensional reality and the 5th dimensional reality. I was always—people always said, “Haridas is so spiritual always spaced out and chanting mantras.” I was very spiritual, but I wasn’t living. I was a fundamentalist vegetarian. I’d walk along the street, see a butcher’s shop, stick my head in and shout, “murderers!” and run down the street. You’ve got to have fun before da mental. I was restricting myself as a human being. I managed to kick the habit of being a vegetarian, and there’s a whole story there. Through respect for the family I was staying with, I ate meat. Then I was freaked out about it. My father used to introduce my sisters with all of their accomplishments, and then he’d introduce me with a pained look, “And this is my son John. He’s rather backward and a little slow.” His favorite saying was, “The boy’s an idiot!” 

So Germain was saying, “What’s the matter?”  I was saying, “It’s terrible! My whole spiritual life is wrecked! 30 years of work gone down the drain!” “Do you think that you’re qualified to judge the level of consciousness of other beings o this planet? You’re perfectly aware that plants have consciousness, everything has consciousness.  Are you saying plants have less consciousness than animals? Don’t be judgmental. You’re judging in realms that you don’t understand. You can’t live on planet earth without killing. This is the nature of the planet.”

Wake up human! Some say vegetables don’t have feelings. I know vegetables have feelings. I used to experiment with plants and biofeedback machines. Also I used to do a lot of gardening like they did i Findhorn, when I wasn’t travelling. So I know that plants have feelings. The vegetarians are very proud when they’re in the kitchen chopping up tomatoes, but they don’t hear them. So I’m not saying don’t be a vegetarian, if it suits you, go for it. But don’t do it to be better than the others. Just don’t be judgmental about it. Don’t think it makes you more open and spiritual or anything. I eat meat and what I do works. It doesn’t matter if I eat half a cow this evening, tomorrow I can still channel.

It’s the same as having a drink or something. Some people say, “What! You can drink alcohol and channel? Do you think the Upstairs Department is so judgmental that just because you have a drink in 3D they say, “Oh, fuck you! I’m not going to come through you, you’ve been drinking!” Come on! Get real! You’ve got to be real human beings. 

So start thinking differently. You’re not some miserable human trying to have a spiritual experience. You’re a spiritual being having a human experience. So get human, and get real.

And change the way you think, and everything changes around you. We’re always saying change yourself and you change the world, but this goes beyond your own world and your own manifestation. Humans often have great difficulty in receiving, even when it’s being thrown at you.  “I don’t know what to say!” Well how about saying thank you?!

You’re a manifestation of Source. Everything is a manifestation of Source. How can everything else be a manifestation of Source and you’re some piece of shit on the planet! Wake up folks! You’re a manifestation of Source! Stand in your own power and realize who you are.